
Letters To Matipa: Gather A Tribe

Some people are not forever. Some people are for seasons, and that’s okay. And as much as we want a strong support system, we need to understand that not everyone is going be there for our whole life journey. A lot of them are going to come and go and when they do you need…

Breathe, Mommy, Breathe!

With the rush of life, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and forget to take a few moments for ourselves.

Every now and then remember to STOP and BREATHE!

About Meditating In The Word

As I was studying the word using this method. I realised that this was the beginning of me spending time in the word, learning more about God and what he expects of me as well as keep his word on my mind a lot more. I was meditating in the word!

About Grocery Shopping On A Budget

Food inflation has been at its worst these past couple of months and sadly more things have been dropping off my grocery list than have been added.

In a bid to save as much as I can I started stockpiling. I am not a massive stockpiler like some ladies I know but this has…

It’s been a minute!

I have been trying to write a post since January lol. It is what it is. I’m a quarter to a birthday, have tons of plans and ideas that I feel never get done. I don’t know how this year will go or how this new chapter has instore but it’s in God’s hands. He…

Twenty – Twenty Thrive!

Hey, hey! It’s been a while so yes, I am trying to dust off the cobwebs in the corners of this under utilised space I call mine on the internet. The last quarter on my year was HECTIC! Actually, hectic might be an understatement, it was a WHIRLWIND. I haven’t been on here consistently since…


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